Miner Moes Pizza

Grass Valley, California, USA
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Location games last seen on:1999-11
Last change to this page:1999-11

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Comments on This Location
2012-03-20OberleckereI think you hit a bluslyee there fellas!
2007-02-22pizza queenI love the pizza,salad bar is the best in town,and the employees are nice. Moe takes pride in her Restaurant, I love the pictures of her kids on the wall, so much love at Moes.....
2007-02-22joeyThe pizza is the best I have ever tasted in this town, alot of beer to choose from too, and its family owned and operated, thats what I like most of all.
2007-02-20420ergotta love the munchies gotta love the employees
2005-11-21fantasy futballi dont know what 2 say except that i had explosive diarrhea for a week after i ate at miner moes. this place is all bad
2002-07-01KDHThe place is located in a nice little town. Food is great too. Pizza place not an arcade but who cares.
2002-04-29Bobby G DogThis Place Is A Complete Dive.

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