
Rohnert Park, California, USA
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Location games last seen on:2003-07
Last change to this page:2003-02

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Aero Fighters After Burner Centipede Desert Assault
Donkey Kong Junior Galaga '88 Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road Ms. Pac-Man
Rampage Robotron: 2084 Steel Gunner Steel Talons
Sunset Riders Super Sprint Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tetris
The Simpsons WWF Wrestlefest

Comments on This Location
2004-01-22TonyIm looking to purchase steel talons if you have one email me at [email protected] Thanks [This is not a forum for buying arcade machines, sorry. -- RWM]
2003-02-23Jeff TamblynIf anyone is looking to buy some games were looking to sell. We would like to sell Steel Talons, Battle Shark, Sunset Riders, Hard Driven, Wrestlefest and Desert Assault. If your interested you can call 707-584-1361 ext-10 Monday-Saturday and ask for me or Mike McCormack
2002-08-19PATExcellent place! Has tons of games plus batting cages, a go-cart raceway, bumber boats, and 2 miniature golf courses. Golf is real expensive, though.

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