Derby Billiards

Derby, Connecticut, USA
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Location games last seen on:2002-07
Last change to this page:2002-08

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Centipede Ms. Pac-Man P.O.W. Prisoners Of WarTime Pilot '84

Comments on This Location
2007-01-19STUARTplace is now closed ,i do now own 5 games from that place and they did need a lot of work they were worn out i own TIME PILOT 84, SEGA TURBO,BUMP N JUMP,TANKERS,AJAX
2007-01-03Catherine BI love the Derby BIlliards ...... There is soooo much to do like eat string cheese and Italian Ice and do cartwheels and hang with my crew .... im going to miss you guys very very much....
2002-07-19Richard M.Today I finally found the place; the name *is* Derby Billiard Center, the address is 250 Main Street (route 34), and it is in Derby. The map link from this page is just plain wrong... Ms. Pac-Man is on regular speed, with three initial lives and a bonus at 10K. Unfortunately the colors are severely messed up. Anything that should be red is invisible. So you see two eyes and no body for Shadow, you get black cherries, black strawberries, and black apples, and worst of all, the dots after The Chase are invisible. When I asked the game attendant when this might be fixed, his answer was "maybe never, this *is* an old game." (Bullfeathers! The Ms. Pac-Man games at Smiles, Shore Side, and Connecticut Golfland are no younger; they're just better maintained.) ... This place does have at least three other classic games - Centipede, P.O.W., and TIme Pilot '84. There is also a football game whose name I can't recall - I really should write this stuff down - that appears old enough that it might be a classic game. There is also a Neo-Geo and a few classic pinball machines and of course, lots of pool tables. The graphics on the Centipede were messed up too with a screen that displayed some fat and skinny mushrooms; at least the colors seemed OK. All in all, this place is a disappointment due to the lack of game maintenance; otherwise it would be an enjoyable place.
2002-07-18TDDerby Billiards is in Derby CT, not Ansonia. To get there get off of Route 8 at exit 15 and take a left. About 1/8-1/4 mile up the road on the left you will see Derby Billiards. Look them up on so you can call if you get lost. Hope this helps. TD
2002-07-18Richard M.Thank you for your reply, TD. Actually switchboard gave the same info as questdex, and lists the place as being in Ansonia. But exit 15 off rte 8 is Main Street, Derby. And based on what I saw on Streets and Trips, 250 Main Street, Derby is 1/4 mile from the exit! (There are too many Main Streets!)
2002-07-13Richard M.The mapping feature shows a place called "Derby Billiard Center" located at 250 Main Street in Ansonia, CT. I tried to find the place this past February without success - I couldn't find anything that looked like an arcade or billiard parlor. I will try again today and let you know.

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