Loco Joes Nickel Arcade

Des Moines, Iowa, USA
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Location games last seen on:1998-01
Last change to this page:1998-01

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Assault Centipede Ms. Pac-Man Rampage
Shinobi Super Mario Bros. Vindicators

Comments on This Location
2008-01-28LainyThis place is fun, a nice place to play pool but I wouldn't say with all the drinking and the music that plays on the Jukebox, that this would be the right place for children.
2007-03-22UnanomusYo momma said,"This place was not fun!". But it iz
2006-07-15AnonymousThis is a very high crime activity and dangerous place to go to.
2006-06-21JuttinIs this place open anymore? I used to go here every time I had the chance.
2005-11-26brandonAlmost all of the games took my nickles and I lost more money than I spent playing.
2000-06-28Tony P.You pay a few bucks to get in and then everything is a nickel. Most classics had something wrong with them, but find anything these days is good.

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