Loco Joes Nickel Arcade

West Des Moines, Iowa, USA
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Location games last seen on:1997-12
Last change to this page:1997-12

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CentipedeFroggerGalagaGalaga '88
Golden AxeMoon PatrolMs. Pac-ManP-47: The Freedom Fighter
Pole PositionPole Position II (cockpit)Race Drivin' (cockpit)Rastan
Road Blasters (cockpit)Rolling ThunderVictory Road

Comments on This Location
2008-05-30george o' freddythis place ROX MY SOX OFF!!!!
2006-11-01DSM PDStay away from Loco Joe's. Lots of fights, display of weapons, and additional trouble every weekend. The city council has been asked to close this rip off place down due to all of the trouble.
2006-09-20Mike MRough, dirty & underage drinking. Even the staff looked scary. I would never recommend taking kids, even teens here. You can tell it is an owner absent location or he just doesn't care about the place.
2003-08-14adamOk first of all 90% of all the machines rip you off and the ones that don't just plain suck! You pay 2 bucks to get in and you get overpowered by people who bring in their young kids and let them run arround while they play pool. Place sucks i would rather go to chucky cheeses. Don't bother going!
2001-11-15MattYou pay $1.95 to get in, and then the games are anywhere from 0-6 nickels. There are a few games that are set on free play, including Moon Patrol here. Also have half a dozen pinball machines. A few of the games have bad controls (jumpy joysticks on Super Mario Bros., trackball on Centipede won't move down, etc.)
2000-06-28Tony P.You pay a few bucks to get in, and then every game is a nickel. The games here were in better condition than the east side location when I was there a few years ago.

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