Contest Game Room
(217 N. Bridge St.)
Grand Ledge, Michigan, USA
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Location games last seen on:2008-01
Last change to this page:2008-08

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Aero FightersBubble Bobble Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981 Space Invaders (cocktail)
Vs. Super Mario Bros.

Comments on This Location
2008-01-07Keith K SmithThe interview and tour of this place are now recorded on MP3 video. Contact me for further details.
2008-01-04Keith K SmithI promised the manager of this arcade that I'd interview him this Sunday (1/6/08) and hopefully, he'll let me record it (and get in some shots of the arcade games). This place is barely noticeable near the riverfront...very undervisited and very unappreciated, despite its mix of classic and modern games. I happened to overhear (from the back room), whilst visiting last Sunday (12/30/07) some tape recordings of high scores from the 1990's. This guy has somehow stayed in business for a long time...although many of the games mentioned on his tapes are no longer on display here! He even has pool and foosball and air hockey, plus a drink machine (and free mints). Truly this is a place worth visiting, and I intend to prove it this Sunday.
2006-08-06Keith K Smithâ„¢This place is run by a BLIND MAN. The Super Mario screen looked scrunched and dark...some levels looked like the blocks were invisible. Bubble Bobble looks like it needs a new vertical-hold button or a new video card. The Ms. Pac/Galaga machine worked fine...even the Pac-Man within!

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