
Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, USA
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Location games last seen on:2000-09
Last change to this page:2001-07

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Arkanoid Cabal Double Dragon Golden Axe
Operation Wolf Pole Position Pole Position II Relief Pitcher
Stocker Time Pilot Toobin'

Comments on This Location
2008-04-13J BowdenIt's alot of games
2006-04-04AnonymousAny initial D arcade games? [email protected]
2006-03-09BrianMichael, you have never worked at Funarama. You liar.
2003-10-28TroutI gotta say I was suprised to find this. I played Stocker the first year it came to Funarama back in the 80's. I must have spent $20 a day while I was there on vacation. As of the summer of '03 I believe it was still there and functioning.
2000-09-28Michael Roberts ([email protected])Hello, I just wanted to note that Funarama in NH has changed an awful lot since 1998. I actually work there. Let me list a number of games we currently have. Toobin', Arkanoid, Super Punch-Out!!, Time Pilot, Double Dragon, Stocker, Pole Position, Pole Position II, Cabal, Operation Wolf, Golden Axe, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter II, and Relief Pitcher. However, there is another arcade located a couple hundred feet from Funarama called Playland who have hundreds of arcades. If you want the info on Playland, E-mail me. I'm glad I could help.

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