Medport Diner

Medford, New Jersey, USA
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Location games last seen on:2001-03
Last change to this page:2001-03

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Ms. Pac-Man

Comments on This Location
2003-02-25DrewI'm posting again because my previous message post is completely wrong. I will say however that the X-Men Vs. Street Fighter machine's joysticks are shot. I know who is responsible for this. All I'm going to say is that some people are more prone to becoming angry while playing an arcade game. It's a shame though, I'm a fan of the Capcom fighters.
2003-02-12chrisi was there a few days ago at three in the morn and it was there in the corner to the extreme right when you first walk forwarned the joystick is hella loose.
2002-11-25DrewI'm at medport quite a bit. There is no Pac Man there. Killer Instinct, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, some golf game, a rally game and one of those 25-in one or whatever cocktail arcade machines with card games and bad rip offs of nes games like arkanoid. That's it. no pac man. oh and there's a bastardized prize machine... you know... with the claw that picks up the stuffed animals... those things. they suck.

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