Bethel Park Community Center

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
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Location games last seen on:2005-07
Last change to this page:2005-08

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GalagaMs. Pac-Man (cocktail)

Comments on This Location
2006-08-02Jason MyersThanks for the listing. I visited this site and this arcade is open to the public, very clean and on the Sunday I went, no one was there. The Galaga machine was in fine order. The Ms. Pacman machine was the table top variety although the box it was in was actually for Pac Man. The screen looked a bit squished in on the edges, a slight distortion that a minor tweak could take care of, but does not affect playability. The other machines were more modern race games, a couple pinball machines & 2 pool tables. Glad to learn of a new place in my community.

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