Trafalga Miniture Golf

Orem, Utah, USA
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Location games last seen on:1999-12
Last change to this page:1999-12

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Ms. Pac-Man

Comments on This Location
2004-06-16ThohanTrafalga used to have a stellar game room. There were games like Space Duel (I discovered and fell in love with this game at Trafalga), a sit-down version of Star Trek, a Spy Hunter sit-down (the only way to play that game) and countless others, such as Pac-Man, Sinistar, and I wish I could think of all of them. Assault was there later, and that's a fun one. It used to be a shrine of all that was good in my young life, a focal point for satisfying my video game desires and addictions. Alas, now it houses Dance Dance Revolution and the like.
2001-11-20Antwaindear so and so i want to get more interested in computer games on the internet cause this is what i really like to do on my spare time

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