East Towne Mall

Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Location games last seen on:2004-01
Last change to this page:2004-04

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Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class Of 1981

Comments on This Location
2019-11-09hollywoodxthe arcade is no longer here
2012-06-21Brad There is now a Pac-Mans Arcade Party game that has 12 namco games on it and also saves high scores. The games are Pac-Man, Pac-Mania, Galaxian, Galaga, Galaga 88, Dig Dug, Rally-X, Xevious, Bosconian, Mappy, Rolling Thunder, and Dragon Spirit.
2009-05-26From MadisonThere are no longer any arcade machines at East Towne Mall.
2002-08-08Brandon KIt's actually a Galaga/Ms. Pac, it's in the food court.

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